Friday, July 11, 2008


I really admired the faith and compassion of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha. He talked about how the Great Spirit had always provided for his people by creating food and clothing. He felt that the Great Spirit taught and loved his people. This is a very positive outlook considering that they had lost so much. His faith is still very important to him and he still has very strong beliefs. I think that if I was in this guys shoes I would really be questioning the existence of a Great Spirit. I was really impressed by the strength of his faith - the man feels very blessed.

I also found the passage where Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha talked about how the Great Spirit had made us all very interesting. The idea that the Great Spirit had created everybody but given different gifts to his children was cool. I liked how tolerant this man seemed to be towards other people’s religions and beliefs. The idea of honoring your God with a “sincere heart” was very moving. He seems to be saying that as long as you are a good person God doesn’t care what religion you choose. I think the world would be a much less complicated place if more people could adopt this way of thinking.

I also found it interesting that he questioned the Bible. I don’t really know anything about religion but it seems like many people use the Bible as proof of God’s existence. You hear people quoting passages as fact. Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha’s outlook on the Bible was an interesting contrast to this. The written words did not have any meaning for him. The Bible was not important for his relationship with the Great Spirit.
The other part of Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha’s speech that was interesting was his call for results. Towards the end of the speech Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha says that he wants to see the effect that this religion has on his neighbors. Sa-Go-Ye-Wat-Ha says that if the religion causes people to be more honest and good then perhaps he would consider it.

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