Friday, August 8, 2008

Abu Yazid Al-Bistami

I really like this quote: “Anyone whose reward from God is deferred until tomorrow has not truly worshiped Him today.” This is probably because I’m a terrible procrastinator and I often put things off until the next day. This quote to me seemed like a religious version of the live life by the moment, be proactive, seize the day, type of quotes one so often sees. It seems to say that by missing out on opportunities given one has given up chances to enjoy God. Or at least that’s how I’m reading right now…

“Be in a realm where neither good nor evil exits. Both of them belong to a world of created beings; in the presence of Unity there is neither command nor prohibition.”

I also thought that this was interesting because growing up Catholic I remember Church seemed to spend a lot of time talking about good and bad. You had to be careful not to sin, and make an effort to be a good person. But if one truly did find this unity, they probably would not need to think about good and bad, heaven and hell. Things would just be. It would be nice to escape that constant struggle between the two poles of good and evil.

“For thirty years I used to say, ‘Do this’ and ‘Give that;’ but when I reached the first stage of wisdom, I said, ‘O God, be mine and do whatever You want.’”

It’s weird but from a lot of these quotes I got the sense that you almost have to lose yourself to find God. On the one hand it makes sense because you can’t have your ego and pride in the way if you are to find God, but at the same time it sometimes seems like you cease to be you once you find God. I guess I feel like you no longer are in control of your life once you find God, it's God who is directing you. I don't know how I feel about that loss of self-control. Somehow it seems like cheating if once you find God you no longer have to consciously make decisions. I guess I that once one becomes accustomed to living a certain way it becomes natural.

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