Friday, August 1, 2008

The Gospel of Thomas

This is very interesting to me because this really seemed to emphasis the power of perspective. The summary of the Jesus quotes really sums things up when it said “when we change the way we see the world, we change the world.” On the surface it seems like such a simple thing to do. Jesus seems to be saying that the kingdom of heaven is right here in front and inside of us, if we can only open our eyes. There are so many things to see in the world birth, nature, murder, crime…it makes it hard for me to grasp how one could view all of these things and feel surrounded by the kingdom of heaven. It probably just takes more faith and trust then I have. Makes me nervous to think that I could be talking to Jesus or that the new world has come and I might not have any idea. Sometimes I wish that religion didn't require so much self reflection and insight. Those are of course some of the qualities that make religion so important and good, but it's frustrating to try to find this Kingdom of Heaven, not be able to find it and then have only yourself to blame.

Some of this reading is very interesting in that it seems like it focuses on the melding of opposites: birth and death, male and female. I was wondering if in some ways this might be a bit like the idea of yin and yang in eastern religion?

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